Thursday, August 20, 2009


AHHH!!!!!!!!! There are SO many different takes on psychics!!!!! It's SO hard to get a new one!!!!!!! But they're so FUN to write about! They make such good characters!!!!!! I made Artemis a psychic, kind of, and it's been REALLY fun!!!!!!! But, people will think I based her off Alice Cullen!!!!!!! And I didn't!!!!! She is PALE, has long BLACK hair, GOLD-brown eyes, and is SMALL!!!!!!! AHHH, NO!!!!!!!!! Look at the words LONG, BROWN, HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR!

Cheerio, peeps.

Character Personas

Ok, in books, there are usually a number of different personas. Some people call them personalities, but the real thing that there is almost always the same of are personas. There a few different kinds that I have seen. There can also be multiple of one persona in a book, though plenty of times there isn't. Ok, getting to the personas...

First, my favorite, The Dark, The Mystery. (Or you could call them The Rebel. :-) Usually a boy, though not always. He, or she, but for this purpose it'll be a boy, is kind of on the edge of things. He adds a lot of interest to the story. Here, in real life, imagine all the high school groups. There's the populars, the nerds, the band, and some others. Then there's that one other group, they don't really have a name, sometimes they're goth, sometimes not, but there's always one boy, on the edge of that group, who fits the persona to a T. In Twilight, obviously, Edward is that person. In Harry Potter, I am fairly certain that Harry fits. In a new book I'm reading, that person is Kartik. In the Underland Chronicles, that would be Rippred. In my book, I'm sure that it's Nathaniel. Usually, this persona has a bit of a rebellion, one of the main characters. Oh, they also either think WAY too much of themselves, or have WAY too much confidence. I'm pretty sure that in real life, I will fall for one myself. ;-)

The Friend. That persona is pretty obvious, although it's the least defined. They could be obnoxious, and have a crush on the main character, or helpful, bumbling, or... There are lots of choices. In Harry Potter, that's Ron. In Twilight, that's Jacob. In my book, that's Olivia and Nicolaus. Here are my takes on The Friend. Olivia is hyper, obsessed with clothes, and fashion, but when it all counts, she'll be there for Artemis. Nicolaus is a bit obnoxious. He's very similar to Jacob, and doesn't like Nathaniel much. But, he too, will be there when it really counts. And that's the binding factor for The Friend. The main, and sometimes one similar trait between the lot of them. They will always be there when it counts.

The Popular. Ah, the dreaded popular. There always is one, no matter what book you read, there is always a stupid snob who thinks they're better than the main character. They can never steal The Friend over, and usually not The Mystery, either. :-) Sometimes, though, they get won over and become friends with the main. Not always, though. Just like real life. :-P

The Main. Now, this persona is a bit difficult. They can all be even more different than even The Friend. But, they all have a bit of a courageous, brave streak. Sometimes, they have a power. But, they all help The Friend, make sacrifices. And that's what they really are.

Tomorrow is my birthday!
Cheerio, peeps!


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