Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AHHH! Pig attack!

Here is the regular picture of Sam I Am.

And here is the inverted, and crazily colored one.
With PINK eggs and ham!

Ok, in Seattle, all over the city, there were different statues of pigs. Like in Milwaukee they have Beasties, and things like that. I thought it was tremendously funny, and very cool. So, I went a little over board on the pig pictures. There was one that was Green Eggs and Ham. I liked that a lot, because I'm a big Dr. Seuss fan. On the side, there was a picture of Sam I Am. So, I took a picture of that (obviously). I found it on my camera, so I decided to play with it in photoshop. It was lots of fun.

Enjoy your travels, where ever they may lead!
Cheerio, peeps!

Guess what this is!

Guess what this building is! Got your guess? Well, it's a LIBRARY!!! It's SO COOL! It's in Seattle. And I took this picture!

Cheerio, peeps!

Starlight by Muse

Yay Muse! I really love this song, and this music video. It's a really cool one. This song is really good for the Twilight playlist. It's for Edward.

Cheerio, peeps!

Twisted System by This Providence

I really like this song a lot. (But I love nearly anything by This Providence. :-) It reminds me a little bit of a conversation Edward and Bella have in the second chapter of Breaking Dawn.

Cheerio, peeps!


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Big kitty go roar!