Saturday, December 12, 2009


Oops. Didn't notice that before. I'll wait a little longer, but apparently I know where I'm placing The Name of the Game.
Thank you so much for voting!

Cheerio, peeps!

Don't Ask the Author... Ask Them!

With author interviews there are usually all these questions people send in to ask the author. Well I've decided that at least once a week (hopefully) I'll write a post about something or other in one of my characters' Pt. of V.s or something. Depending on how it goes/how obsessed I get with it, I might make a new blog with just their POVs.

Should be fun... First one is later today or tomorrow sometime, probably Clover.
I got this idea from Cranberry writing as her alter egos. (Here, Here, and Here.) Thanks for the idea!

Cheerio, peeps!


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