My name is Thanatos Whispers. I was once a human, with a different name. My name was James Ward. But now I am Thanatos. I was born in 1762. I do not think I was ever really a human. But, of course I wasn't. I was always a Sight. And forevermore I will now be an Adamas. I am the god of Death, and of healing. For, with a death you need healing. And there cannot be healing without death, however you care to argue. I know it to be true. I have a sister, dear to me. Her name is Twilight Dawn Whispers. My name is Thanatos Whispers.
My name is Mariposa Fauna. I am not really in a clan. For there are only a few real clans. For the most part, we all just follow the Whispers clan. That is what my best friend is part of. Her name is Twilight Dawn Whispers. I was once a human. I do not remember my name, nor when it was. I am a lost child of time. Though, oddly enough, I do not mean Lady Temps. I am not sure who I mean. Perhaps I do mean of Twilight. I have a silly job, I am the goddess of flying creatures. Of insects, to be more precise. But, I am told it is important, so my job still I continue to do. My name is Mariposa Fauna.
My name is Amelia Reese Tyma. I am a Sight. I have seen death in many forms, not the least of which has been one of its many shadows. I have seen it take my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother, all in front of my eyes. I will become Fate. I am Amelia Reese Tyma. (For now...)
Well, what'd you think? If you like this, I'll post some more "character bios", as I'm going to call these now.
Cheerio, peeps!