Friday, July 31, 2009

My friend and her fav books

Since I can no longer think of something to write for the day I will write about my friend. Since I'm bored, like I said before, I will take a leaf out of Cranberry's book (Cranberry is one of the people who's blog I follow. She also follows mine.) and not call my friend by her real name. I asked what I should call her and she asked to be called Infublo. (No clue what the heck it means.)

Favorite books:
The Inheritance Series (Eragon, Eldest, etc.)-Christopher Paolini
The Keys to the Kingdom-Garth Nix
The Twilight Saga-Stephenie Meyer
The Wicked Series-Nancy Holder
I can no longer think of any others.

As you can see, we have very similar taste in books. I like all the books on that list, except The Inheritance series. I don't know why, I just don't like it. She likes it WAY more than I do. Even my mom likes them more than I do. Oh, well. Now, about the Wicked series. Those are really sick, but still really good reads. I do NOT recommend them for anyone under 13, or anyone squeamish when it comes to READING about blood, or anyone who gets nightmares really easily. In the series there are many sacrifices, about 45% of them are human.

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