Sunday, August 9, 2009

Book editing

This may be depressing to some beginning writers, but it needs to be heard. When you think that you're almost ready to be published, read your book. Just sit down and take a day (or more, depending on the length) to read it. And you will see that a lot of what you thought was up to standard is actually HORRIBLE!!!!!! I have started reading my book and some of it was literally painful to read.

The worst scene was close to the end. It was a phone conversation between one of my characters and her mother. When I had written it, I know I was rushed. It was getting close to the point when the English project was due, and I wasn't done yet. (Just so you know, my book started out as an English project. Then it got out of hand and I just decided to go farther with it and write a whole book.) So, I hurriedly finished the last three chapters. Or, what was a rough draft of them, any way. Not a good idea, though. Those hold the two major fight scenes. So, yesterday I started rereading. And I found the worst part of my book. So, I just deleted the whole, cursed conversation and rewrote. But, I still have a lot to fix! It's literally painful! AAHH!! Sorry, everyone, but it's true! Sniff.

Ah, well.
Cheerio, peeps!


  1. It IS painful. I look at Chapter 2 of my book and think, "I'm finally finished! Hurrah!" and I hand it over to my sister to read, and she says it sucks. sniffle.

  2. Well, that's your sister, though. This was me reading it. And when I wrote it, I thought it was SO good! I was rushed, though. In my writing's defense.



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